Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gaillardia Trial

I can't believe its August already! Summer has been busy with travel and trade shows. Summer is also a great time to evaluate perennials in our trials. Each summer I plan a grow out trial were I acquire all the commercial varieties available of a particular genus. This year we compared Gaillardia, an ever growing genera with lots of new hybrids coming to market. Here is an overview of some of the trial highlights.


charley said...

Wow! Will you be reporting on which varieties had the best performance? Thanks! Carson

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Gaillaria are sure super in the garden! Love have many cultivars to choose from.

Lya Sorano said...

I tried out a Gaillardia Georgia Sunset for Athens Select this summer. Wonderful plant, but by August it had had enough of our heat and humidity and I had to cut it way down, hoping that it will come back next year. So far, the signs are good.

Your photographs are beautiful!